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Towards a more sustainable business model

Circular entrepreneurship, carbon dioxide reduction, inclusion, diversity, well-being: these changes will often pay off for both your company and the planet.
Two good reasons to support you.

Economic transition: take the test

Want to assess your company’s positive impact on the environment and society? Answer the 25 questions in our self-diagnosis tool and get personalized advice to help you adopt an – even more – sustainable approach.

Take the test

Sustainable business model

Environmental concerns are present at all levels of social life, and are reflected economically in changing consumer habits. Our teams can help you set up or transform your business model to bring it more into line with today’s needs.

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Enterprise Europe Network

The European Union rewards companies that are committed to economic transition.Through the Enterprise Europe Network, managed in Brussels by, you can take advantage of incentives, advice and coaching to help your company move towards sustainability.

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Marie Frère & Maxime Mertens – DiscoveRent

“Collaborating with means equipping yourself with the resources you need to take your business to the next level. The sustainability workshops were exceptionally well structured and informative. Thanks to them, we were able to identify areas in which we could improve our CSR approach and strengthen our environmental and social commitment.”