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Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, Bruxelles, Belgique



Claudio Truzzi, Program Manager

Business sectors

R&D support

Description is a technology hub focused on research, development, innovation and technology transfer. Funded by the ERDF and Innoviris and as a joint initiative of ULB, VUB and SIRRIS, is entirely devoted to strengthening Brussels ICT Research and Innovation in key domains like: Business Intelligence, Digital Learning, Smart Mobility, e-Health, Security, Smart Industry, Immersive Media.

Our Smart Connected Innovation Lab is also available for companies. The hardware/software blending experts will be glad to quickly put together a proof of concept for you, and help you identify the right industrial partner. Should you be convinced to developing your product or service, they will also help you identify the right industrial partner.

Products & Services

1. Define your innovation needs: can help your business focussing on innovation, in particular by:
– providing insight in new technology development and technology watch
– putting your innovation ideas in local and global context
– defining the required expertise and identifying the most adequate solution for you

2. Identify the matching skills:
We can help you tap into a world-class set of internationally renowned experts from our regional universities and industrial R&D centres: more than 100 specialists at your service – and right around the corner – in Data Science, IoT, Cybersecurity, Industry 4.0, Interactive technologies, Wireless, Embedded systems.

3. Meet our experts:
Universities, R&D centres, industrial clusters and federations: our partners’ background cover the whole knowledge supply chain – is your gateway to this comprehensive yet within reach network.

4. Work together:
Our ICT advisors will support you in the selection of the best development vehicle to make your innovation project come true: provision of services, consulting, access to lab resources, subsidized industry/university partnerships, licencing and technology transfers.

I want to become a partner

To become a partner of, it is necessary to complete the online application file.