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New aids rewarding exemplary companies

The regional economic development aid reform, a key aspect of the “Shifting Economy,” is now becoming tangible for Brussels-based businesses. Effective March 26, 2024, companies in Brussels deemed “exemplary” in social or environmental aspects can benefit from increased financial assistance from the Region.

To be considered “exemplary”, a company must contribute to the environment (recycling, carbon neutrality, protection of biodiversity) or to society (quality employment, diversity, good governance). For example, having a recognized label from the Brussels Region, winning regional projects, employing marginalized workers or providing training.

A new catalogue of grants includes provisions to boost investments, hire experts for strategic analysis, development, support team development through recruitment or training, and facilitate the transition to a sustainable economy through consultancy missions, sustainable investments, low-emission mobility and accessibility improvements.

Check out the new catalog of regional subsidies to find out the details!

Explore all available aids at