Rockestate is a data science startup founded in 2017 in Brussels, Belgium. We build products that help banks and insurers improve their risk management and make the customer journey of the products they offer frictionless. Our starting point for doing this is open geo-data which we use to calculate building features for each and every house in Belgium.
Products & Services
The base layer of our product offering is an API through which our customers can access a wide range of house characteristics (e.g. parcel area, volume, roof inclination, presence of swimming pool, etc.) as well as a 3D model for every address in Belgium. On top of this base layer we develop applications such as a pricing tool to estimate the transaction value of a house/apartment.
Innovative Aspects & Advantages
We can evaluate the building of (almost) any address in Belgium instantly and remotely. With our solution anyone can quickly acquire a lot of information about a certain address. This reduces the need of asking this information to the customer (often slow and inaccurate) or having to send a surveyor to inspect the house (always slow and expensive).