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Rue Wiertz 33, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium


+32 479 52 62 51

Manuel Basilavecchia, CEO

Business sectors


NetAxis Solutions is an innovative competence centre in carrier grade telecommunication over IP solutions.

Products & Services

NetAxis Solutions offer Services and Product Development for Operators and Corporate Customers.


Engineering Consultancy – Audit – Architecture – Design – Project Management – Installation – Configuration – Tests – Validation & Certification on a wide range of technologies.


  • Nemo – a Monitoring, reporting and fraud detection tool
  • Dory – a SIP Call Simulator and Traffic Generator
  • SRE – an advanced Session Routing Engine
  • Pie – an API orchestrator
  • Vivo – A Video Communication platform

Innovative Aspects & Advantages

Our most recent innovation is the “Self-Learning Control Layer”, the NetAxis products suite providing an adaptive control on your telecommunication network. The monitoring module observes in real-time the network conditions, while the control module provides adaptations to the network behaviour according to the observations.

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