ERTMS Solutions consistently creates innovative products that alter the railway signaling world. This is what has made us an industry leader. We not only operate as the only company of our kind to offer testing, maintenance, and software protocol services that are compatible with the European railway signalization standards ERTMS/ETCS but also, maintain the agility to tailor our products to existing national standards.
Products & Services
Our mission is to facilitate the optimization of maintenance, testing, commissioning and IT railway integration through our combination of software and hardware solutions. We are delivering laboratory quality on-site testing to optimize quality and efficiency costs. We also specifically designed instruments to enable tracks’ electromagnetic assets’ preventive maintenance. And finally, we provide a cost-effective and agile solution creating alignment between business and IT needs.
Innovative Aspects & Advantages
We have a huge potential of innovation based upon our customers’ needs – who share their vision with us -, and our own expertize of IT, hardware and the Railway world. We deliver products and customize them to answer our customers’ specificities.