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Benoît Decoene

Business sectors


dFakto is a Belgian company with offices in Brussel and Paris and more than 50 collaborators. dFakto always starts with business problems, identified as priorities by its customer, and implements a response using a data-driven approach that combines 5 characteristics: solution, speed, easy, safe and solid. Following this, we developed 2 Saas B2B solution : dataFactory and propilot.

Products & Services

Our product dataFactory is a B2B Saas for datawarehouse automation. dataFactory speeds up by 5 the deployment datawarehouse/data lake/data hub thanks to our model-driven approach. We give more space to think about the relationshps between the data and how they should associated from a business point of view. Once the business data-model validated, the dataFactory automates the coding and create the data warehouse in your target architecture.

Innovative Aspects & Advantages

What’s make us unique is that we start from the business data-model – answering directly business questions and issues. We natively integrate data-quality framework as part of the solution. In a world where data and technical profile is a scarcity, we multiply by 5 their effectiveness.

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