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Rue de Florence 39, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique


0474/54 89 89

Amélie Alleman, Founder

Business sectors


Betuned is an innovative recruitment solution for finding and managing your candidates simply and efficiently. We create your 100% personalised, mobile, state-of-the-art career site. Just like the digital experience your candidates deserve that will have them applying at the click of a button. Our intelligent software simplifies and customises your recruitment management, saving you time and improving your recruitment processes.

Products & Services

Betuned will design a bespoke careers website that reflects your corporate culture. A 100% mobile site, at the cutting edge of technology. We create the digital experience your candidates deserve. The one that gets them applying in a click. Betuned’s recruitment software simplifies and customises the management of your applications, enabling effective selection of your candidates. You get an intelligent tool that meets your needs, saving you time and improving your recruitment processes.

Innovative Aspects & Advantages

Our career site design is at the cutting edge of technology and guarantees a top-notch candidate experience! Our ATS includes AI to improve your candidate matching and make your searches fluid and efficient. Our business expertise combined with our technology guarantees you innovative and effective end-to-end recruitment.

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