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Aleph Technologies


Avenue du Globe 29/63, 1190 Forest, Brussels, Belgique


+32 498 88 93 52

Alexis Gil GONZALES, Founder


♦ RDBMs : Postgresql, Oracle, Mysql/Mariadb, SQL Server
♦ High Availability & Disaster Recovery strategy
♦ Cloud migration & cost optimization (AWS, MS Azure)
♦ Kubernetes
♦ BI & analytics solutions
♦ Machine learning & data science : data engineering
♦ R&D (we help you make the right technology choice for your infrastructure)

✔ Technical support
✔ Project support
✔ Data solution architecture
✔ Performance Audit
✔ Configuration and Healthcheck
✔ Consulting and Strategic Advisory

We have over 25 years of experience in data infrastructures.
Business experience the Healthcare, ISP, Telco, Digital Media, Financial, Insurance, Public, Electricity/Utilities and Services sectors.

Innovative Aspects & Advantages

We have a strong experience in RDBMS system support and help customers integrate new data-oriented technologies.

We help our customers optimize and evolve their data infrastructure and reduce costs.


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