Take part in the discovery and networking day for IT and technology companies that do not yet have active collaboration with NATO. Join us in Brussels on 25 April to explore the business opportunities offered by the organisation.
About this event
hub.brussels, in collaboration with the FPS Economy, Flanders Investment and Trade, and AWEX, is organising a discovery and networking day with two of NATO’s main strategic components – the NCIA and ACT – on Thursday 25 April 2024 in Brussels.
This event, aimed at companies not yet actively working with NATO, will enable them to discover the business opportunities offered by these two organisations, approach their decision-makers and find out how to be included in their supplier files.
Key target segments
- Command and Control Services (C2)
- Air Command and Control Services (AirC2)
- Satellite Communication (Satcom)
- Cyber defence (hardware, software, cloud, 24/7 surveillance)
- Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (including threat analysis, AI and big data)
- Consultation and command networks
- IT assistance and business application services (support levels 1 to 3, etc.)
- Dedicated consulting and support contracts for freelancers
A word about the agences
The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) is headquartered in Brussels and has offices in more than 20 locations throughout the Alliance. It provides NATO-wide IT services as well as procurement and support in areas such as command and control (C2) systems, cyber defence, joint intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (JISR) capabilities, and communications at strategic and tactical levels. These services are primarily intended for NATO military authorities, but Allies and partners can also benefit from them. The NCIA is the executive arm of the NATO Communications and Information Organization (NCIO), whose aim is to provide cost-effective capabilities and services to Allies, both individually and collectively. All Allies are NCIO members.
Allied Command Transformation (ACT) is a NATO joint command responsible for overseeing the transformation of NATO’s military capabilities. Its role is to improve training and capabilities, as well as develop and test doctrines common to NATO member countries. It leads NATO’s work to achieve interoperability between member armies. Its headquarters are at the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia (USA). It is one of NATO’s two strategic military commands, together with Allied Command Operations, which is headquartered in Mons.
For more information:
A detailed progralle with an overview of the various speakers, the themes and investement programmes discussed and any break-out sessions will follow in due course.
Practical info
Date and time
Thursday 25 April 2024
9.30am- 3pm
Hendrik Conscience Building (Flemish Government)
15, Boulevard du Roi Albert II
B-1210 Brussels
The Conscience Building is very close to Brussels-North SNCB railway station. Many STIB and De Lijn buses have “Brussels-North” as their final destination.
It is close to ‘Yser’ and ‘Rogier’ metro stations, both on lines 2 and 6. At Brussels-North station, there is also a tram connection to the Brussels-North-South link (pre-metro).
We recommend that participants arriving by car park in one of the nearby paid car parks.
The working language for this event will be English.
The overall security rating of the event is NATO UNCLASSIFIED.
How to register
Your expression of interest will be registered only after receipt of the following two documents by 10 March at the latest:
1/ Online registration form (one per company, maximum of two participants per company)
2/ Company Profile in English + logo in JPEG format, the template and instructions to follow will be provided to the company contact after receipt of the online registration form.
hub.brussels will provide NATO with a list of interested Brussels companies, which will then make a selection based on the information submitted via the Company Profile. The selected companies will be informed of their participation a few weeks before the event.
Please note that invitations to participate will be by name only.
If the number of companies selected exceeds the hall capacity, a waiting list will be created, in the order in which registrations are received, to replace any last-minute cancellations.
Participation in this event is free of charge.
All cancellations must be made at least 48 hours before the event.
A fee of 100 euros will be charged in the event of cancellation less than 48 hours before the event and in the event of a no-show, except in cases of force majeure.
Registrations open until 10 March 202